| Catalogue |

CLOUDY : Lemon Concentrate

The Essence of Pure Citrus

Capturing Nature's Wholesome Charm

Cloudy Lemon Juice Concentrate (BRIX 15-55)

Introducing our Lemon Juice Concentrate (Cloudy) (BRIX 15-55)– a delightful embodiment of nature's untouched essence. This viscous, yellow-hued liquid carries a hint of cloudiness that signifies the richness within. Embracing the fibers, pectin, fat, and gums found in the original lemon pulp, this concentrate is a testament to the beauty of natural wholesomeness. With no added preservatives, it encapsulates the authentic aroma and flavor of lemons.

From Orchard to Cloudy Bliss: The Process

The journey of our Lemon Juice Concentrate (Cloudy)(BRIX 15-55) begins where the sun-kissed lemons grow, near our very facilities. Once the lemons are meticulously harvested, they make their way to our state-of-the-art processing facility. Here, they undergo a gentle extraction process that retains the inherent fibers, pectin, fat, and gums present in the pulp.

This preservation of natural components adds depth to the flavor and texture of our concentrate, giving it its distinct cloudiness. We take pride in crafting this concentrate without the addition of any preservatives, ensuring that what you experience is the pure, unadulterated goodness of lemons.

Versatility and Delight: Uses

Our Lemon Juice Concentrate (Cloudy)(BRIX 15-55) is your culinary companion for a multitude of dishes and beverages. Its robust, flavorsome profile lends a tangy kick to everything it touches – from dressings and marinades to desserts and beverages. As you infuse your creations with its naturally cloudy charm, you'll experience the true essence of lemon, just as nature intended.

Natural Purity, Uncompromised Health: Health Benefits

Amidst its enticing taste, our Lemon Juice Concentrate (Cloudy)(BRIX 15-55) brings along a host of health benefits. Enriched with vitamin C, antioxidants, and the inherent goodness of the lemon's natural components, this concentrate acts as a refreshing boost for your immune system, aids digestion, and contributes to overall vitality.

Experience the enchanting cloudiness of lemon juice like never before with Horti Green Foods' Lemon Juice Concentrate (Cloudy)(BRIX 15-55). Every drop echoes the purity and authenticity of nature's bounty.

                            Juice Concentrate (Clear) (BRIX 15-55)